Bali Bhuwana Waskita at this moment collaborates with the XII Indonesian Arts Festival, presenting the theme of  "Samudra-Rakta-Samasta, signifying the 'Ocean of Creative Artistic Potency in the Present Epoch,' is emblematic of the process of intricately weaving imaginative narratives pertaining to the maritime archipelago, occasionally assuming the role of an indomitable force in the construction of civilization. In this endeavor, students, educators, and academic staff converge, synergizing their efforts to stimulate creativity and foster innovation, all with a deliberate orientation towards the attainment of maritime eminence as a symbolic reflection of the act of creation itself. Metaphorically, this collective undertaking involves navigating the boundless ocean, maneuvering through its waves, and diligently seeking out the pearls of brilliance embedded within the archipelago's discourse, practical applications, and values of nobility. This transformative movement initiates its journey from Bali, subsequently radiating across the entirety of the archipelago."

Published: 2023-12-30